A study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society linked eating high fiber foods, especially fruit, to the improvement of a chronic oral condition known as periodontitis. According to the study, men over 65 can greatly benefit from a diet high in fiber.
A chronic disease is a disease without any cure. The symptoms can be controlled or managed, but outright cure is currently outside the reach of medicine. Periodontitis is a chronic disease. It’s characterized by receding gums, pockets of space between the teeth and gums, and an erosion in the jawbones that can lead to tooth loss.
A Veterans Affairs study conducted dental examinations of military veterans every three years, and found that high fiber foods were instrumental in reducing the progression of periodontitis. High fiber foods include bananas, fresh apples, squash, and dark breads. Currently, 10% of all adults have periodontitis. The likelihood of the disease increases with age.
Families whose loved ones are in nursing homes can take a lot from this study. Dehydration and malnutrition are two of the major indicators of nursing home neglect. Dehydration and malnutrition can lead to nursing home falls and bed sores. Both are extremely dangerous and are often fatal in nursing homes.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home who has periodontitis, ask if high fiber fruits and other foods can be included as a regular part of their diet. It’s an easy request to follow up and will give you a good sense of how seriously the nursing home takes nutrition and hydration.
As an experienced nursing home lawyer, I often find that the roots of nursing home neglect can often be found in nutrition and hydration. If you have a loved one who has experienced nursing home falls or has developed bed sores in an Illinois nursing home, contact my law offices for a free and confidential evaluation of your case.